Tuesday, June 13, 2017

May Be Time To Be Vegan

I think about it occasionally, especially when I let myself look at the culture of meat eating and see it for the ugly thing it really is.  I remember visiting family on a farm and hearing them refer to a calf by name and how they planned to butcher it.  I remember feeling amazement and disgust...how can you give an animal a cute name and then eat it?  Logically, it is no different from loving animals and buying their carcass pieces at the grocery store and taking them home for dinner.

I watched a bit of a video today (couldn't stomach to watch more than just a little bit) that got workers at a chicken farm fired for how viciously they treated the poor things.  It just might be enough to put me off meat for good.

What kind of human being...in this case 6 who work together...can convince themselves that torturing a living animal is okay?  How can they look themselves in the mirror?  How can they torture these animals and then go home to their families, posing as a normal human being?

We meat eaters know that the meat comes from once living creatures.  We know we have no right to murder and consume them.  It's interesting how we are able to fool ourselves or to push any shame aside for what we're doing.  Seeing that video has brought my shame to the surface and I hope that's where it stays. 

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