Tuesday, June 13, 2017


I was thinking today how our government is slipping in new laws that could have a profound effect on our future but no-one seems to be questioning them.  On the surface, the laws seem to have value but you have to look beyond the surface to the ways the government could choose to interpret these laws.  Our young people do not appear to be questioning anything!

It is now against the law for anyone to bash religion...this gives religious leaders enough power to advance in any adverse way they choose.  We know that not all religious leaders are decent, law abiding people...some create cults!

It is now against the law for parents to raise their children according to their beliefs if the child is not a willing participant.  Your 5 year old is now given too much power in the family unit.  Your 5 year old child can now be removed from the home and put in foster care if the parents force them to wear clothes according to their birth sex.  This is probably the scariest law that we sheep have allowed to be passed in a free country.

We also have a law that I fought against for 7 months last year.  Statistics Canada, a government agency, has the right to demand you answer their questions or face fines or jail.  One of their questions is "where do you vacation".  It's starting to sound like a police state and I'm shocked at how few people are even questioning the powers they're handing over to the government.

I believe Stats Canada decided to leave me alone on Jan. 1 (after 300+ calls over the 7 months of 2016) because enough Canadians did stand up to them and refuse to answer their questions.  My family saw no problem with answering them and that fills me with dismay. 

I wish I was smart enough to run for office.  Maybe I could be instrumental in changing the dangerous path our government is on.  But I'm not smart enough or strong enough...I can only hope for someone to come along that I can trust enough to vote for!

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