Saturday, June 10, 2017


I guess it's still bugging me how some of the younger generation is afraid of hearing opinions that don't coincide with their own.  I was really shocked when our local university invited speakers and the students shouted them down rather than be civilized and mature enough to listen.  If they didn't want to hear then they shouldn't have attended!

My personal opinions on any subject have changed many times over my lifetime and I'm sure they will continue to change.  The youth of today who believe they have all the right answers are in for a shock as they get older.  They, too, will see the world differently than they do now.

Something I've seen that has changed for the worse is common respect for one another.  I have many friends, relatives, and acquaintances who matter to me but who don't share my opinions on a lot of things.  Do I ignore them or drown them out?  Never!  And that's because I respect their freedom to have their own opinions.  Being respectful is the only way you can have a proper conversation because rudeness turns the conversation ugly.  I will back away from ugliness and disrespect as quickly as I can...I won't forget it but I can get past it if the person matters enough to me.  It will always leave just a little bit of insecurity, though, and that's something that shouldn't be allowed to happen.  

One of my grandsons spoke of anyone whose views don't match his own as "ill informed and ignorant".  Just how far will a person get in this world if their minds are sealed tight against the opinions and beliefs of others?  I think it's arrogant and foolish to go through life with that attitude but he did offer an apology for his thoughtless words so I guess that's an improvement.

I will continue to love my family fiercely and will fight for their freedom of opinion even though it might not be my own.    

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