Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tub Grab Bars

When the new tile was put in, the tiler had to remove the small grab bar but said he wasn't allowed to put it back.  I'm very nervous about falling these days so I bought the longer one and had both installed today.  I feel safer now.

The frailties of old age have come as sort of a surprise to me and I find myself being extra careful in everything I do.  I have a strong fear of falling and breaking a hip because old age also means more brittle bones.

It's funny how the natural strength of youth means you don't have to worry about such things because, if you fall, it's easy to get back up and without serious damage.  Not so in old age.  At least mine because I never was physically strong and now I'm pretty darned weak.

Maybe I've become more careful because I live alone, too.  If I fell and seriously hurt myself, I could lay there for a long time before anyone knew I was hurt.  That really is scary for me.  And so I'm more careful!

In old age our balance is also a problem...that could come from lessening body strength.  My friends and I laugh as we toddle along and keep bumping into each other.  At least we're still laughing and not fretting about it!  Getting old has it's plus and minuses and so far I think I'm on the plus side.  I'll be 77 years old in a couple of weeks and only really notice it when I look in the mirror or exit the car.  

My daughters are all in their 50's now and I hope the fact that their mother is still having a fun and comfortable life will influence them when they become seniors.  

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