Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Beginning to Plan the Winter

It's misery for me to wait until the last minute to make plans so I called Duke Energy about turning on the power in my trailer.  When I panicked over my misdiagnosis last fall, I shut down all the utilities at the trailer because I thought I'd never be able to go back there.  Now I'm fine and will spend the winter at the trailer and need all those utilities turned on in October.

Duke Energy assured me my account was still available and they didn't need my signature or I.D. to turn it on.  They also will take care of turning on internet and cable so I couldn't be more thrilled!

I know it's just early August and I don't leave for Florida until early November but I still like to get all my ducks in a row before they absolutely have to I messaged the lady who had cleaned my trailer 2 years ago to see if she could do it this year.  She is a realtor and had just started back to her regular job after a few years (Florida real estate is still not good but it is making a come back) so I didn't know if she had the time or interest in cleaning my trailer.  She messaged me back and said she'd do it.  Yeah!!!

Now most of my ducks are in a row and I just have to stay healthy enough to be able to have out-of-country health insurance.  I feel wonderful but you never know! 

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