Sunday, September 24, 2017

Pink Eye and Marijuana Gum

I used the Polysporin eye drops for 2 days now and the pink eye has almost gone.  I'll keep using it for at least 3-4 more days just to make sure it's gone for good.

I seem to be susceptible to pink eye because I've had it a few times in the last few years.  I had it once when I was in Florida and went to a doctor who gave me a prescription for it...probably the same Polysporin I bought over the counter!

He was the ass who waddled his chubby little self out the door and shot back at me that I needed to lose weight!  I'm glad I've reached the age where mean comments like that don't hurt me any more, just make me angry with the rude person.  I never forget a mean remark and he'll be on my s--t list forever!

I read today that a marijuana gum might be put on the market for pain relief.  How wonderful!  It makes you wonder why the governments of many countries have vilified marijuana for so long and are only lately deciding to admit to it's good properties.  Just think how many people have lost liberty, jobs, and reputations because they were caught by police with minute amounts of marijuana and were jailed.  Our jails are so terribly overcrowded and the costs to maintain them are outrageous.  Remove the recreational pot smokers and costs would plummet.

I don't smoke so I've wondered how I'd be able to take advantage of the healing effects of marijuana once it becomes legal so marijuana gum would suit me just fine.    

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