Thursday, September 21, 2017

Pink Eye

I have pink eye again.  I don't think I ever had it when I was younger but I think this is the third time in maybe 5-6 years.  Wonder why??  Anyway, it kept me from hugging Kim, Cindy, and Aeron last night and also kept me from a much anticipated visit from Irene's daughter, Brenda, and her precious little granddaughter.  I feel like a pariah and look like an alcoholic with my red eyes!

I have eye drops that I've been using but Cindy told me to get some Neosporan eye drops so I'll do that today.  Pink eye is quite infectious but usually doesn't need a doctor visit.  I'm just not sure how long it takes to heal.

So today I'll go out to get the eye drops and then spend the rest of the day working on Christmas table runners.  What a stressful life.  LOL!

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