Tuesday, September 26, 2017

They're Nuts

I decided not to rant on Facebook for a while even though I had a lot of fun doing just that last week.  The fun part was having dialogue with polite people!

Anyway, today I'm thinking about the people who see themselves as gender neutral and refer to themselves as "they" or "them" and not he or she.  I think they're nuts!  Honestly, I do believe these are just very uninteresting people who are looking for attention and really aren't expecting to change the world.  That said, Canada will be allowing gender free I.D. cards now.  I think the only thing this changes is that a mistake might be made when recognizing gender if the whacko is ever arrested and they might be put in with the wrong sex criminals.  The bad side effect might be when these people have children and spread this garbage as more confusion for the children.

We have transgenders and transsexuals, and I'm not quite sure what else.  These are people who feel different from their birth sex and live their lives as the opposite sex.  It must be a difficult life for them.  As hard as they are for me to understand, it's even harder for me to understand people who want to pretend that birth sex is of no meaning or importance.  But it is, it's a part of our identity and the chromosomes we were born with have a great part in determining our personalities.

Being a man or a woman is just a basic identification, a starting point.  In our society and probably all over the world, it's one of the things we notice first when we meet someone.  How confusing to meet someone you can't even identify as male or female.  Do these ambiguous genders cause the person to live lonely lives?  Do they interfere with the person's ability to get a job?  Do they prevent them from wanting or having children?

I only know that when I meet someone like that, it confuses me to a point where I back off a bit instead of moving forward to know them better.  I'm honestly worried they're going to be nuts.  Being a woman or a man is a glorious thing that should be celebrated, not hidden for some obscure reason.

I first thought this gender neutral came about because men do have an easier time in this world compared to women but that doesn't seem to be the case.  It appears that it's a fad.  If it's not, I don't care either way.  Live and let live is the way to go but, if you do it because you're a bit nutty then you have to face the consequences and have regular people lose interest in you.

To go so far as to refuse to answer to he or she means to me that you're more than a bit nutty.

Update:  I was grocery shopping yesterday and saw from the back a very tall person (well over 6' tall) wearing a tank top and short shorts.  Their walking was a little off to be female but so what.  I moved on with my shopping and almost ran into them face on in one of the aisles.  No question it was a man wearing make-up and with boobs but not looking female one tiny bit.  This seems to be the way with most trans people.  I am so confused by them!

I'm assuming there will come a day in the future when people can choose the gender they wish to live by and no-one thinks anything of it.  I'm guessing birth rate will fall.   

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