Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Babysitting the Greatgrands

I'm picking up Nolan and Nash from school for 7 days and today is day 3.  They're good kids (usually) so it's always a pleasure to see them but I'm not used to taking care of both at the same time.  It is a totally different game than when I only have one of them.

We go to McDonalds for ice cream after I pick them up and they can play for a while in the playroom.  That's where sweet little Nash lost 6 minutes of time out yesterday.  It's interesting to listen to how wild, noisy, seemingly out of control the kids are in that playroom...all of them, not just mine.  I had to take my cue from the other parents there and not worry that the climbing thing was being dismantled by the little darlings.

Anyway, just as we were ready to leave, Nash ran right across every single seat with his shoes on as I yelled for him to get off.  I told him that would be a time out when we got to Kim's house.  So he sat on the stairs for 6 minutes (one minute for years of age) and then we had our little talk and I don't think he'll do that again.  He's a smart little boy and I think he was just testing me to see what he could get away with.  Nolan is a bit smarter and remembered what GG does and doesn't allow.

I adore my sweet little boys and they really are very good children...just need a reminder now and then.

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