Thursday, October 19, 2017

Habitual Offender

Not coming from a family who has had dealings with the law, I'm wondering how many times a person has to be arrested before being considered a habitual offender.

An American man with a criminal record of 42 arrests, some were felonies (I really don't know what that is but I do know it's bad) has just been arrested for murdering 3 people.  I wondered why he was free to walk the streets after committing so many crimes.

Donna and I were talking the other day about how we law abiding people wouldn't think of committing a crime but career criminals do so all the time and seem to get away with it.  I guess some serve jail time but they continue to break the laws as though they have no meaning.

We law abiding citizens also obediently pay our taxes only to see others live the high life without paying them.  Once caught, if ever, they seem to be able to pay only a tiny portion of what they owe.

If, after 42 arrests, a man can still live freely among us, just how safe are we?  The 3 people he shot and killed give us the answer.

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