Friday, October 20, 2017


I am all for a law in Canada that prohibits women from wearing face covering burkas in public.  It is an affront to Canadian women to see another women oppressed in this way.  We're not threatened by her but we feel a deep sympathy for what has led her to dress this way.

There's no question that future generations will not tolerate this kind of oppression.  Women in free countries have fought for centuries for equality and the burka is a reminder that not all women enjoy that freedom.

Quebec is leading the way in Canada to ban the burka in public places but the new NDP leader, Singh, is opposed to the ban.  He is either Indian or Pakistani and I don't think the burka has ever been worn in those countries so why would he perpetuate it's use?  Then again, women in those countries are not as free as we are in Canada.  Not too long ago, a Canadian Indian woman was murdered by her family because she chose to marry a man from a different caste.  This is the kind of thing we have to be aware of when people of different cultures come to Canada.  We can't allow our laws and culture to be contaminated.  There is pressure to allow Sharia law in Canada and that would set females back hundreds of years.

The niqab is a head covering that hides the woman's hair...apparently it's to keep men from being attracted to it.  I don't think there's a head of hair more beautiful than that of mid eastern women.  Is it the woman or the man who is fearful of another man seeing her hair?  This, too, will disappear in future generations.

We women have a hard enough time attaining equal footing in this male dominated world so, to see a woman covered from head to toe in a black shroud with only a slit for her to see through, is a slap in the face to all women.  

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