Sunday, December 17, 2017

Beautiful Purse

Shelley and John bought me this gorgeous purse for Christmas and I'm in awe of it.  I  think the most expensive purse I ever owned in my life might have cost me $20 so I'm thrilled with this Chanel bag even though it's a knock-off.  I know it still cost more than I would ever consider paying for a purse.  I loved the style of it as soon as I saw it but I know Shelley buys very expensive purses and I worried immediately that this was also.

I could never use it every day because it's a little too glamorous to go with my t-shirts and clam diggers but I'll use ever fancy or half fancy opportunity to use it.

I hope John didn't think I was disappointed...I'm just so not used to high end anything and live a pretty frugal life.  This bag is fancier than my so-called dressy clothes but it might dress them up a bit.

The more I get used to it, the more I love it!

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