Saturday, December 09, 2017

Why Are We Here?

I've spent a lifetime trying to figure out exactly why we're here.  Some people live lives of luxury and some lives of extreme poverty.  Some (it seems very few) are happy souls and some (it seems too many) are unhappy because of their station in life or their personal circumstances.  Some people dedicate their lives to helping others while some wouldn't lift a finger to help anyone in need.  Some live to a ripe old age and some die before birth.

Religious people have no problem figuring out why they're here and where they'll go when they die and I envy them their certainty but it's something I've never had.  I get hung up on the simple fact that, if there is this loving god looking after us, why does he/she allow people to suffer terribly at times?  What kind of loving god would allow a little child to be abused or murdered?  I have never been able to accept a god that would allow this to happen.

Beyond the religious aspect, I do believe we're here for some reason because there seems to be no logic to our existence.  Are we supposed to use our precious time on earth chasing wealth?  From what I see, wealth and power appear to be what most of us are chasing.

The only fragment of logic for our existence at all is the fallout from acts of kindness.  Are we here to learn how to be kind to one another for no reason other than to make someone a little happier?  It makes more sense than to use our moments to fill up our bank accounts. 

I don't know why we're here but I believe I'll find out on the other side.  

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