Friday, January 19, 2018

29F in Florida

I don't like to complain because I know it's colder in Canada and our temperature here will probably rise dramatically as the day goes on but what is happening here?  We often get a few cold days but we've had a lot so far this winter and I'm wondering what happened to global warming.

I have a 100 gallon (I think) propane tank that I had filled when I got here but I have no idea how much is left in it and if I should bother having it refilled.  The cost of propane has gotten crazy high.

I'm still worried about the people who heat their trailers with little space heaters.  I have one that I use in the daytime but won't leave on all night because I'm afraid of fire.  Many people living in trailers don't have the option because a lot of trailers don't have furnaces.  Thank heavens mine does.

Today is coffee morning and we'll definitely have to gather inside the trailer and not even the Florida room because of the cold.  

Wonder what it's like back home right now?

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