Friday, January 26, 2018

Finished Tipout Floor

I had to have the tipout of my trailer repaired a couple of years ago and didn't get around to having the floor done until this year (I wasn't here last year).  If I knew I'd be coming back to the trailer for a few more years, I would have had the laminate done all through the trailer but, since this might be my last full season, the cost wasn't warranted.

My friend, Kevin, did a lovely job with the initial repair which included cleaning up water damaged wall and floor of the tipout, securing the new floor, putting on beadboard to both tipouts and also 2 new windows.  We left the floor finish undone due to time and that's what Kevin did for me yesterday.

I've mentioned how nice it is to have someone you can trust to do work for you and that's Kevin.  He and his wife, Debbie, are two of the younger residents in the park and I've learned that he's honest, conscientious, and fairly meticulous in the work he does.  He's a treasure!  And this park is full of treasures so it's going to be hard to leave it.

Once Shelley and John buy their beach condo, I'll put the trailer up for sale and hope the park management will allow me to sell it rather than tow it out.  It's become obvious to me that the new owners want to make this park an upscale one and that doesn't include having trailers like mine here even if mine is cute.  The manager did tell me I'd be able to sell rather than tow out but rules might change about that next year.  We'll have to wait and see.

It matters to me that I can sell it because that will be money to use on whatever is needed in the condo.  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

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