Sunday, January 28, 2018

New Friends

I wish there was a way to define a special friendship and how it develops.  There are many degrees of friendship and it all stems from some special connection you make with another human being.

The photos and Dixie, and Dixie with her husband, Bob...were taken at our U.S.A. day dinner last night.  

Dixie and Bob are newcomers to the park this year and I've come to think the world of Dixie even though it's almost certain we'll never see each other when they leave for home in another month.  It's such a shame but life leads us where it wants to.

Bob and Dixie are from Pennsylvania but Dixie sounds just like a southern belle.  Bob is a great big old gentle teddy bear and I so very much wish I could keep them close in my life.  

Becoming friends with Dixie reminds me of how Sylvia and I became such good friends.  There is definitely some kind of connection you make where, no matter how different you are from each other, you come together on the most important levels.  Dixie is like Sylvia...kind and gentle, honest to a fault, and fully accepting of me being an agnostic even though both of those ladies are deeply religious.  They are "good people", the kind you could trust with your life.

I wish we were going to have more time to spend together but poor Dixie and Bob have had the misfortune to rent a really awful trailer from the park...dirty, broken blinds, and now a roof leak.  They're not happy at all and I don't blame them.  The park should have those rentals completely clean before the renters arrive.  Bob also had hoped to find a group to golf with and that hasn't happened so they're going to leave a month early and visit friends and family on their way home.

Well, I guess at 77 there are still chances of meeting up with some wonderful new people who make me glad I met them.  

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