Monday, January 29, 2018


I thought the squirrels here in the park were acting kind of strange and now I hear they've invaded some of the trailers where people are living.  If even one comes in my trailer, I'm packing up and going home.

I'd noticed how the squirrels seem to fly out of nowhere and land with a loud thud on the screened window.  They seem very aggressive and I know they could easily chew through the screen and plastic windows I have on the Florida room.  It's very worrisome.  They couldn't get through the glass windows on the trailer but I do keep some open and they're only protected by the screens.

I've been told that one trailer is so over-run with them that they're nesting in it and babies have been found inside.  That is an absolute horror for me ever since I had squirrels get into the attic of my house.  They are terribly hard to get rid of because they feel the house they're in belongs to them.  I don't know how the people who have the squirrels will ever get rid of them.

So far, the squirrels have eaten and destroyed the few geraniums I planted and also a few other flowers.  I thought geranium leaves were poisonous but I haven't seen any dead squirrels.  Now, this may sound like not much of a problem but squirrels carry diseases and are known to bite.  They will chew up wiring in an attic.

There are so many dogs in our park that we can't put out poison to kill off the squirrels.  I'd have a hard time doing that anyway because I don't want them to suffer, just go away.

What I see if this problem isn't fixed somehow is that more trailers will become inhabited by the squirrels while the snowbirds are back home and we'll come down to the park next winter to trailers that are completely destroyed by them.   

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