Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The First Person

Being non-religious doesn't mean I don't have my own half way logical beliefs about life after death and mine have been with me for a very long time.  I know this life we're living right now cannot be the end-all.  It can't be logical that the spark of life begins only to end anywhere from immediately and up to 100+ years.  That is a nanosecond in eternity.

Whenever I think of who I want to see when I pass on, the first person that comes to mind is my grandmother.  Nan was the woman who battled Children's Aid in order to keep me.  In 1940 many unwed mothers had their children taken from them against their will.  Nan was the stay-at-home Mom for me while my own mother worked.  Nan was the one who was always there.  And she's the one I want to see first.

I gave my grandmother a hard time growing up.  I was willful, disrespectful, and non-appreciative.  She passed away when I was 26 years old and I've been thinking ever since how much I have to apologize to her for.  She was a character, but a fun loving lady who worked hard all of her life for her family.

Anyway, I think we all have some idea of who we want to greet us when we die and there is no doubt in my mind that my grandmother will be the first one to arrive for me.

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