Saturday, March 31, 2018

Faye Arrived

My sister-in-law, Faye, is a treasure.  She arrived on the 25th and we've been running the roads ever since.  She's an excellent house guest, too, but I do think she wishes I had my stove hooked up so she could cook.  I disconnected it ages ago because it would seldom get used by me and, being a propane stove, it needed to have the pilot lights lit all the time and that heated up the trailer.

Today we're going to the "Fat Cat". a wonderful homey bar in St. Petersburg where we can hear Newfoundland music from noon until 5 P.M.  Eddie Coffey is the star of that show and the music is a treat to hear.  Dee is going with us, too.

Time here is running out fast and I'm very anxious to get back home but Shelley's birthday is next Tuesday and we're going over to Tampa for a dinner cruise and an overnight at Shelley's house.  Cindy and Kyle will be there, too!!!  I think Nicole, Sam, and Lisette will also be there and maybe Jake.  It's difficult to get everyone together for special days because everyone has spread out but it's so nice when it works out.

I have a list of what needs to be done to the trailer before we leave and it's a little daunting but thank heavens for the list.  I'm also really happy that I've pre-arranged to have the inside of the trailer cleaned and the outside powerwashed next December before I return.  That's always a concern, wondering who I can get to do the job.  Just when I find someone good, they move away.  But this year I'm all set!!!

It's lovely to have Faye here.  I haven't been entirely comfortable this year being away from home and it's fun to have such a good friend right here with me.  I have lots of friends in the park but I really feel a strong need to be home and that can't come soon enough for me.

Well, enough whining...I get to enjoy one more week in the warm sunshine before we leave for home and that makes me a very lucky lady.

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