Saturday, April 14, 2018

6 Hours in Emergency

I was pretty sick yesterday morning, sick enough to call my family doctor.  He wasn't in the office in the morning but I got to see him first thing in the afternoon...not bad for socialized medicine, right?  He's such a sweetheart and was a little concerned with my ultra rapid heart rate (probably caused by my decreased inability to breathe) so he sent me to Emergency.  I drove home and phoned Cindy to take me there but she didn't get the message so I called Kim.  She's the lone office employee at her job most of the time so I really didn't want to drag her away from it but she has wonderful employers  who told her to just go!

We went to Juravinsky because I don't like the General Hospital which is closest to me.  I told the admitting nurse that I was dying (joking, of course) and hoped that would get me through the system faster.  Waiting times at our hospitals are actually outrageous and we ended up spending 6 hours in order to get an exray and bloodwork done before I was diagnosed with a sinus infection (maybe) but also found to be quite anemic.  The doctor gave me a prescription and we took it to the nearest Shoppers drugstore where I too late discovered it was for amoxicillin and I'm allergic to pennicillin so I just bought an over-the-counter drug for sinus cold.  I don't know if I can get the on-call doctor to give me another antibiotic today because it's Saturday.  I might have to wait until Monday and have my family doctor do it.  

I actually feel a bit better today but my sinuses hurt so I should be using an antibiotic.  The over-the-counter Tylenol has helped but it won't cure an infection.

Now, being anemic is fairly new for me but it was pointed out at my last physical in October.  I'm not sure if it has something to do with the CLL but the hospital doctor suggested I might need a blood transfusion.  I always knew it's best to stay away from doctors because they will always find something bad about your health you'd prefer not to know.

Anyway, I slept well last night but was wide awake about 4 A.M. so I just stayed up.  I'll call the on-call doctor later and hope for the best but I can tolerate how I feel right now because it isn't near as awful as I felt yesterday.  Just being able to breathe through my nose means I'm getting more oxygen and I was not doing it well yesterday.

I believe this latest episode with the cold and infection was caused by the cold I had last month not completely going away.  That seemed to last about 10 days but did linger on somewhat until flaring back up again.  And there lies the problem.

My plans for this weekend are to do nothing much but rest.  I'm good at that!

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