Friday, April 13, 2018


I can't believe this darned cold I had over  a month ago didn't quite heal and now it's back again.  I was told the cough would remain for 3-6 weeks so I didn't worry when I kept coughing but my sinuses have been blocked up the whole time and I should have realized this means it's probably an infection.

Yesterday I felt like crap and today is only a tad better so I'm going to call my doctor and ask if he will prescribe me an antibiotic over the phone...they used to do that all the time but now they seem to want to see you first.  I feel like crap and don't want to go out...I also don't feel alert enough to be driving so that means having to get Cindy to leave work to take me to the doctor's office.  I hate this!!!

Remember when doctors made house calls?  I understand that times have changed and their time is very valuable but what about people like me who, today, don't feel well enough to go out?  Would a doctor tell you to go to Emergency if you feel too sick to come to their office?  There's not a chance in hell that I'd go to Emergency and sit in the waiting room for hours feeling like I do now.  I guess I'll find out if my sweet young doctor will prescribe for me over the phone when I call him at 9 A.M.

I really hate inconveniencing my family and I don't think it's wise to expose Cindy to my germs.  Maybe I'll just drive myself if I have to do that.

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