Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Dry Cough

I feel a lot better today but still have that awful dry cough especially when I'm laying down.  It's almost impossible to sleep.  I propped myself up with pillows last night and managed to get a few hours sleep.

What worries me is that I've been taking an antibiotic for 5 days now and still not feeling the way I should.  When I go into a coughing jag, it's very hard to get my breath and it sounds a lot like bronchitis.  Since I sleep with my bedroom window open, I wonder if my neighbors think I have pneumonia with all this coughing.

I bought some Mucinex because it's supposed to loosen up the mucus but it hasn't worked very well...just a tiny bit.  I have pills all over the kitchen counter, some prescription and some over-the-counter, and I hate taking any of them!

I never used to worry about catching a cold when I was younger.  Being around snotty nosed kids meant you'd catch one sooner or later.  Now I cringe when anyone near me coughs or sneezes.  At my age, a cold is not as easy to overcome as it was when I was younger.

I have things to do and people to see so it's very frustrating being tied down with a damn cold.

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