Thursday, April 19, 2018

And the World Still Turns

Funny how, when you're sick, nothing much else seems to matter but the stage of your illness.  I haven't worried about politics, criminals, or whatever since I got sick.  I have become the center of my universe.

My daughters check with me every day but it was my grandson, Matt, who called to check on me this morning.  Matt and I have a strong connection.  He's always been the one who needed me most even in his wild days as a young child.  I always said that, if I didn't love him so much, I would have killed him in those days.  And this morning alone, I reaped the benefit of all that love I have for him.

We've been having a little debate on Facebook about using a leash on small children when you're out walking.  If ever in this lifetime a child needed one of those leashes, it was Matthew.  We didn't use one on him but it would have been a good thing if we had.  He didn't run but he hid which is just as frightening for an adult.  He was always looking for a laugh and that got him into trouble a lot in his childhood.  

Of course we compared him to his brother, Nick, who was born a middle aged man.  Nick was always so mature and responsible that it was strange to see how wild and impulsive Matt was.  They didn't get along when they were young but now they're the best of friends.  I'm so happy about that!

Now back to the world outside...way too much news about Trump's affairs.  Who cares??  Personally, I'd like to hear when Spring will really arrive and we can get rid of this cold, snow, and grey skies.  April is often like this and I don't mind the cold as much as I do the dreary sky.

Today I'll do nothing much because I don't feel up to it.  I'm about 90% better but that last 10% is tiring.  The whole cold episode has been unbelievably tiring and I need to build up some stamina. 

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