Friday, April 20, 2018

Low Hemoglobin

At least I now know why I've been extra tired lately.  My hemoglobin is pretty low and I'm seeing the hematologist on Monday to find out why.  You know, the minute you let anyone in the medical field look at your innards with exrays, catscans, MRI's, or testing your blood, they will find something wrong and try to treat it.  I should be grateful we have socialized medicine in Canada but I really just wish I never had to see a doctor again.

The good news for me today is that I slept quite well using Kim's humidifier.  I need to go out and do some shopping and I'm looking forward to lunch at "Wendys"...chicken strips and baked potato, of course.  Kim is picking me up after work and taking me to Nick and Bev's new house for dinner.  I'm so excited to see it!  I want to plan some kind of plantings for their front garden, something low maintenance for sure.  Nick's orders!

The sun is shining and it's much warmer out today, too.  I guess we're getting a taste of Spring for a while at least.  April is one of those months where you might get snow or heat any given day.

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