Monday, April 09, 2018


You just can't say enough about how important "home" is or how wonderful it is to be there.  Home is where you are.  Home is where you keep your best stuff.  Home is your comfy place.  I just got home and I'm loving every second of it, even though I haven't cleaned up all the winter dust yet.  I actually haven't emptied the car trunk completely yet, either, but it will get done.  Where I'll put everything might be a problem but that, too, will be sorted out.

For whatever reason I've craved to be home all winter.  That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy my Florida family and friends or the mostly warm weather.  I just felt an unexplained need to be home so, now that I'm here, I feel relaxed and just where I'm supposed to be.

I started spring cleaning this morning and got the livingroom and bathroom mostly done and some floors washed.  I like to work on one room at a time and will finish off the livingroom tomorrow and maybe start my bedroom.  The spare bedroom will be last.  The kitchen, of course, is sort of a messy receptacle of cleaning supplies until they can be put away.  It's clean but the counter is piled with cleaners and income tax papers for the moment.  I do have my system and it works pretty well.

One thing I haven't done yet is to get groceries except milk for coffee and potato chips for snacks.  This could force me out of the house tomorrow to buy more groceries.

By the time I get my apartment and home life organized, it will truly be springtime and warm.  

Life is good!

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