Thursday, April 05, 2018

Shelley's Birthday

What a wonderful day!  Faye and I drove over in the mid morning...perfect and beautiful Florida springtime day.  It was great to see Cindy and Kyle who were down for a week's visit, too.  John, who has a very demanding and important job tried his best to keep the day free to celebrate Shelley's birthday...they have one of the best marriages ever.  

Shelley and John took all of us to the Columbian restaurant in Ybor city...a gorgeous place...and then we shopped in the attached store which specializes in gorgeous pottery and cigars.  We bought pottery!

Then home to relax or nap until it was time to head over to Clearwater where we took the dinner first one.  Nicole and Sam zipped over after work to join us, too.  For them it was a 3 hour drive after work in heavy traffic but they made it!!

The cruise was lovely, the food was lovely, and the weather couldn't have been better.  Shelley's 54th birthday was a great success.

We went back home and watched a Spanish redo of and old comedy sitcom and it was pretty funny.  It was mostly in English but did have subtitles, too.  After that it was bedtime for all of us and I had the best sleep I'd had in ages.

Today we all came back to my trailer so Kyle could see it.  Funny, I've had the trailer since 2000 and Kyle has never made it here before.  Then off to do a bit of shopping for baby clothes for Nicole's sister-in-law's new baby girl.  OMG!  Someone in my family has to have a baby girl so I can shop for those cute little clothes!!

We still had some time before meeting at Nicole's house.  We were going out for dinner again!  So we went to a little bar in the strip mall and had drinks.  I wasn't driving so I had my favorite...gin and tonic.  Lovely!

We then drove to Nicole's house so Cindy and Kyle could see her new bathroom and then off to the restaurant for dinner!  Since there were now 6 of us and Cindy's car only held 5, Nicole had to take her sweet little red Miata convertible and I chose to go with her.  What fun!!!

Sam met us at the restaurant...the same Thai restaurant we went to last week and just loved.  I'm definitely going to the "Lemon Grass" when I get back to Canada.  Thai food is delicious!

Driving home was pretty hilarious with us women joking about our sexual exploits and Kyle trying not to throw up.  Nothing outrageous was said but sons, grandsons, and nephews don't want to hear stuff like that.  He is sooooo cute!

You would think with all the excitement and busy day that I would sleep like a log but no.  I was wide awake at 4 A.M. and up at 5:15 A.M.  There is a lot of work to do today in packing up and closing down things in the trailer but I'm hoping to do all that and still get a nap in this afternoon.  There are many things on my list to get done but none of them take much time so that's a good thing.

I want to get on last card game in with friends tonight, too, so I'll need that nap.  I'm quite excited about heading out for home on Saturday morning and hope to be in Canada on Sunday.  We'll do our best!

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