Monday, April 02, 2018

Winding Down

Believe it or not, there are a ton of things that have to be done to secure the safety of the trailer before it's closed up for the summer.  Heaven help anyone who neglects to turn the water off at the main shut-off.  I keep a list and follow it to the letter.

Because there are many little details to look after, I tend to do a little at a time over the last week.  Yesterday I stored away some patio chairs and one patio table, leaving one patio table and 2 chairs out for Faye and me to use. This morning I began bagging dishes we won't be needing again.  I like to put lots of things in bags so the summer bugs can't get on them.  Ick!

The last item that needs doing is that one of shutting the water off at the main but, because I'm afraid of snakes, I can't do until it's light outside.  That means we can't head home until almost full daylight...we'd lose a half hour driving.  Dear Dee has offered to come over and turn the water off for us so we can get an earlier start this year.  My anxiety to be home is still as strong as ever so the earlier we leave the better.

I've already attended to the utilities, the summer schedule for the bug man, and the cleaning and power washing for when I come back in December so some very important items are already done.  It's the little things like laying out pans of kitty litter and charcoal, covering the toilet basin and tank with plastic wrap, covering the furniture with sheets, etc., etc., etc. that have to wait until later in the week or even on the day we leave.  Without a list, I'd be sure to forget something important and then fret about it all summer.

I remember asking Dennis to show me what to do to close down the trailer and him being very angry and saying I'd never need to know because he'd always take care of it.  Well, he's been gone almost 13 years and I've been the one taking care of it all.  Hmmm!

It isn't a big job, it's a many little things job. 

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