Saturday, April 28, 2018

Iron Supplement

Because my hemoglobin is very low, I've been given an iron supplement to increase it.  I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but the extra iron in my blood seemed to make a tremendous difference in my stamina level within days.  It will be interesting to see my next bloodwork.

My diet has been terrible for years but I honestly never realized what harm I was doing to my body by not getting enough nutrients into it with my food.  I guess I thought our bodies could survive any kind of abuse but I know now that they can't so I'm making a big effort to eat better.

There is an expression, "you are what you eat", and I used to joke about being a giant potato chip but I'm wiser now and will eat more beef and vegetables.  I do love salads but just haven't bothered to make them.  I prefer chicken to beef but I like beef, too.  Whatever it takes to increase my stamina is what I'll do because feeling exhausted all the time is not pleasant.

The iron supplement really surprised me, though, in how quickly it took effect.  I also bought some Vitamin B12 because it's also good for the blood but have just started taking it so we'll see if it helps.  In any case, I feel much stronger than I did last week and I'm giving the credit to the iron supplement.

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