Monday, April 23, 2018

Weight Loss

It's almost always nice to discover you've lost a couple of pounds but not today.  I have a few health issues and my appetite has been quite poor for a long time now and I had lost about 5-6 lbs. over the winter.  I got on the scale this morning and discovered I'd lost another 7 lbs. in recent weeks...this isn't a good sign.

I've tired more easily all winter and then just found out my hemoglobin is lower than normal so I'm assuming this has a lot to do with the weight loss.  I see the hematologist today so will find out more info.  I was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphatic leukemia) 5-6 years ago but only needed a yearly check-up to see if it had progressed much.  The white blood cells are still in the pretty good range but this is the first time I've had to be concerned about the red blood cells.  I know I eat a terrible diet and maybe fixing that might fix the problem.  Who knows?

I really hate going to doctors.

Update:  After more blood tests and consultation with 2 specialists, they tell me they don't know what's going on with me so they're sending me for a catscan.  They also gave me a prescription for Iron...OHIP doesn't cover that so it cost me $51 for 100 tablets.  I understand it's not normal for my red blood cells to decrease so quickly (now 89) but I have high hopes this has much to do with my diet and my recent colds.  They don't think it's related to the CLL, either.

I have another appointment with them in 2 weeks where they'll draw more blood to see if there is any improvement.  Mind you, I feel fine other than having little stamina.

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