Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Another Woman Abuser Resigns

It always surprises me to see how many men who abuse women either sexually or physically make the news because I've personally known so few in my life.  Of course, the more high profile abusers such as politicians make the news before a regular person would.

Looking back on my life, I remember only one man who I know beat his wife because I was unlucky enough to see it.  I was maybe 10 years old and staying overnight at a friend's house when the beating began.  My friend and her brothers were terrified of their father who was truly a bully to those kids.  We huddled in our beds as their father, the man who should have been their protector and example for them to follow, screamed and dragged his wife back and forth through the house.  It sounded like he raped her, also.  I didn't see the rape but did see him dragging her as she cried and begged him to stop.  What kind of man could do this?  

I remember the next morning as he sat at the kitchen table eating a breakfast that his trembling wife made for him.  He ordered the children to perform certain household chores before he would allow them to go outside...but then, when the chores were completed, changed his miserable mind and made them stay inside.  I went home very thankful I didn't have to live like that.

I saw his wife many years later and barely recognized her.  She had been a pretty woman in her 20's on that fateful night which I'm sure was not the only time that monster abused her.  Twenty years later, she walked hunched like a very old lady.  

Abuse happens to some women but I'm pretty certain the vast majority of men would never hit a woman, especially in today's world where women have become more empowered than they were way back in 1950.

I believe abusers choose their victims carefully, closing in on someone they know will allow themselves to be dominated.  How sad for the human race.

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