Friday, May 04, 2018

Culture Appropriation

There is a big to-do on the internet about how a young woman wore an Asian dress to her prom and that somehow insulted their culture.  Why do some people look for things to be offended by?  Asian people wear thug attire and the thugs don't become offended.  Asian people wear western clothes and we don't become offended.  I don't get it.

I keep seeing jokes about how easily offended people have become and it's really kind of silly.  Things that should offend you, like murder and torture, get less press time than what this young lady has gotten because of a dress she chose to wear.

I think we just might be becoming a society of sissies, concentrating on what doesn't matter and ignoring the bigger picture because it's too hot to handle.  When we see photos of young soldiers in combat attire trudging through jungles and then hear how some colleges want crying rooms for the students, it makes you see that our society is running a little off the rails.  

Of course, I hate the idea of a young person going to war and I think a young person with emotional problems would do better going for a walk in nature but many won't agree with me.

Back to the dress.  I'm one who loves all things Asian because they are beautiful.  The young lady who wore the dress must have thought so, too, and it's a compliment to the Asian culture that she chose to wear it.  No-one should feel offended because no offense was ever meant.      

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