Saturday, May 05, 2018

The Bitch In Me

I think there's a little bit of the bitch in all of least I hope I'm not in the minority because I really do want to be a nice person.  Well, this morning my inner bitch said, "go do a load of laundry".

This all came about because of an incident last Saturday morning when I was also doing laundry.  I don't usually do laundry on a Saturday morning because I know we have a few younger, working people in the building and I can do laundry any time of the week.  But last Saturday was a bit different and I decided to start a load about 6:30 so I'd be done and out of the way of others about 8 A.M.  We have a laundry room on each floor but only one washer and dryer in each of them.

Just as I was folding and hanging my last load, the laundry room door opened and a very angry middle aged woman started ranting at me.  I have never seen her before so I'm assuming she's new in the building.  She raved on about how she worked and needed to do laundry on a Saturday and how most of the rest of us tenants were seniors and didn't need that time slot.  I foolishly tried to assure her that I rarely did my laundry on a Saturday but she remained angry and stormed away.  From first being surprised, I then went to being angry at myself for trying to justify my laundry day to her.  The laundry rooms here are for all of the tenants to use, even on a Saturday if that's what they choose.  This woman was clearly out of line and I decided I would do a load of laundry this morning, too...Saturday morning.

Yes, the little bit of a bitch in me rose to the surface this morning and I'm not really happy I allowed it to happen but, once in a while some people need to be taught a lesson.  Now to contain that mean little devil.  

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