Sunday, May 06, 2018

IPL Photorejuvenation

I got a nice tax return this year and decided to do something nice for myself.  I see my dermatologist twice a year for skin cancer maintenance but this winter I was not happy to notice how dark and large the brown spots on my face had become and decided this was the time to do something about it.

There are 5 sessions and the cost with tax was $1700 so it's not cheap but my face had started to look dirty and that, not wrinkles, is what spurred me to have the treatment.

Each session is about an hour long and the areas treated are zapped with what feels like rubber bands...not pleasant but doable.  There is no breaking of the skin.  I was told to take a couple of extra strength Tylenol before the treatment but don't know if they helped or not.  The treatments are spaced about 3 weeks apart.

I was also warned that the first couple of treatments would darken the bad areas and they sure did.  I look awful but they do cover up with make-up.  I seldom wear make-up but I'll have to now until these brown areas lighten up!

Keep in mind that I'm not doing this to look younger but just to feel more presentable.  There is one area on my left cheek that has darkened just too much and it almost covers that cheek.  I don't like it at all.  Again, this will do nothing for the wrinkles but I'm really hoping it will even out the skin tone.

Update:  It took about 5 days for the affected dark skin to start flaking off.  Not all of it has but it looks a bit more presentable than before.  4 treatments to go!   

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