Monday, May 14, 2018

Fancy or Plain

I have never really enjoyed going to fancy, overpriced restaurants but that's where people take you when they want to treat you to something special.  I always feel as though I'm out of my element and would be far happier at a "Wendys".

Nick, Bev, and Matt took me and Kim to a lovely new downtown restaurant that wasn't necessarily fancy but it sure was overpriced.  The food was good with flavors I hadn't tasted before so that was nice, too.  It was the company and not the overpriced restaurant that made me happiest, though.  I love spending time with my babies!

Bev had been to Memphis on a business trip a few weeks back and Kim told her to bring me some gaudy Elvis gift so she Elvis clock where the pendulum was his legs.  I love it!!!!  Someone could have bought me diamonds and I wouldn't have been as thrilled as I am over that clock!

This has been a beautiful weekend of gifts and family and I'm about as happy as I've ever been at any time in my life.  The reason is simple.  I have a loving family.  I know this is a constant thread through my blog but that's just the way it is.

I talked to Shelley and part of the conversation was about my iron levels and she thinks my health problem is only anemia and I agree with her.  I think I'm back to 100% of my normal strength and stamina thanks to the iron supplements and a better diet and that's a good thing.  I have a lot more fun planned for the future and I'd hate to miss out on any of it.

Oh yes, I got a surprise as I was rearranging my craft supplies.  I'm getting rid of almost all of my jewelry making supplies because that's a craft I now believe I won't do but I did keep a little bit of items to make bracelets.  As I was discarding stuff, I found a big bag of what I thought was just jewelry boxes but it was heavy.  When I opened the boxes, there were all kinds of gorgeous old rhinestone and sterling that I'd forgotten I even had.  It pays to clean up once in a while!  It will give me something to play on Ebay with.

I have been very lucky to have the time and energy to play with my passing interests in my old age.  Life is good!  

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