Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Wendy's Rules

Yesterday I went to Wendy's for a late lunch.  It happens to be my favorite fast food restaurant mainly because I can get a baked potato there.  They have some special where you get a bacon, cheese burger for $4 right now (in Canada) so I thought, since I'm forced to eat more meat these days, I'd get one but have them leave the bacon out.  I don't know why I don't eat bacon because I love the smell and taste of it but this is one of my quirks I haven't figured out.

Anyway, I placed my order, asking for no bacon on the burger and was told they couldn't do that.  I know my mouth dropped like a big bass because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  I asked why and the young clerk said she'd already gotten into trouble for doing it.  I must have looked shocked because she went back and asked her manager if she could do it just this one time and he'she said okay...just this one time!  I was incredulous and asked why.  The girl mumbled something about the special being over (it wasn't...there were signs plastered all over the place) and some other nonsense so I just shut my mouth and finished with my order.

Am I wrong here or is this weird?  I've heard jokes about people asking for a 2 egg omelet instead of the 3 egg omelet advertised and being told they couldn't have a 2 egg omelet.  Kim once told me she ordered a small drink at Tim Hortons and was told she couldn't have it because only the medium and large cups had been delivered that morning and no small ones.

I think I have to e-mail Wendy's head office.

Update:  I e-mailed their head office and explained what happened and immediately received a letter back from the franchise owner.  He apologized and said anyone's request for something to not be included in their sandwich order should always be honored.  He offered me a free meal coupon which I accepted.  I knew I was in the right and I also knew that it's important to let the owner know when you have a problem with their business because that's the only way for them to be able to rectify a problem.  This particular franchise owner owns 3 restaurants and relies on his managers to do right by the customers.  If a manager isn't following company policy, it's up to the customers to let the owner know.

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