Tuesday, June 19, 2018


I had a lovely visit with Mary for the weekend, lots of laughter, serious talk, and memories.  Mary and Don's property is my favorite...beautifully kept, at least one horse when Don's home, and surrounded by quiet farmland.  They're considering selling in the near future so I thought I'd better take some photos but was only able to get a few because the battery on my cell phone died overnight...I hadn't brought the cord.  And so I took some very beautiful photos, I thought, but when I tried to transfer them to my computer they weren't there.  I'm not sure what I did wrong and now have to wait until one of the family visits here to show me.

It bugs me that I'm so inept with electronics.  I feel like a dinosaur who shouldn't be let out on her own.  Thank heavens I'm still allowed to drive!  I'm not a stupid person but I do limit learning to things I'm really interested in and the cell phone isn't too high on my list.  I usually forget to take it with me when I go out because I probably won't want to use it and I don't want to be called.  I do make an effort to take it with me when I'm going to be on the highway for a few hours, though.

Anyway, Mary and I had a great time...she and Don are wonderful hosts who make you feel very welcome in their home.  Mary and I did a bit of shopping and a lot of gambling.  I lost all my money as usual but Mary even lost a little bit.

I headed home on Monday and ended up napping most of the rest of the day which kind of worried me.  Should I be that tired???  I'd missed my naps all weekend so maybe it was just catch up time.

I'm going to miss Don and Mary's beautiful property when they finally sell and move into an apartment but at least it will be closer to me than the farm.  They're trying to hang in there as long as they can...both are getting on in age and that will be the deciding factor.  It really is like heaven on earth there and it's no wonder they want to stay as long as possible.

Life is good but it does pass too quickly sometimes.

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