Saturday, June 09, 2018

Katie's Wedding Day

It's nice when your extended family keeps growing and you really like the newcomers.  Katie is Don's daughter (Don is Cindy's love) and she is getting married today.  She's been so kind to include Kim and me and that means a lot to me.  It means she accepts us as family.

When I go to the Hammond side family reunions, I'm also the extended family but they always make me feel like family.  It matters.  This is so good for the children to see that they are not isolated in a little family but have many, many relatives even if they're not blood.

Here I go harping on family again but it's to everyone's advantage to establish a healthy relationship with their extended family.  You do grow from the experience.  It's never mattered to me if the people I love and feel closest to are not blood relatives but it does give me a cozy feeling to belong somewhere.

I noticed that military families who are often thousands of miles away from their birth homes form bonds with each other and that often carries on when they leave the military.  

Anyway, today is Katie's wedding day and I'm grateful that she's included me in her extended family!

Oh, yes...the forecast weather for today has been terrible all week with rain and cool predicted but that has all changed and now we're going to have sunny and warm weather.  That's a good sign! 

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