Friday, June 08, 2018

Conservatives Won a Majority...Woe Is Me

I'm used to the ruling party of Ontario changing every 4 years or so and I've never been too bothered by it until this election.  I don't back any party any more because I've learned none of them are to be trusted to do what's best for the people...learned this back in the 90's after backing the NDP party for years and then finding out they were even worse than the others.

I rarely vote, only when I feel the need to because of a certain issue and I know people tell me I can't complain if I don't vote but I really don't care.  I wish we did have a political party that would work for the people instead of themselves but that's probably never going to happen.

This election I desperately wanted Wynn out because I felt the Liberals had truly harmed Ontario during her time in office.  I sure as hell didn't want the NDP to ever rule Ontario again so that left the Conservatives.  I voted Coservative once before because it was a time when Liberals were in power and wanted to support all private schools with our tax dollars.  I knew this was opening the door to so many factions that would drain the resources of our public schools (I was right) so I begrudgingly cast my vote.  It didn't matter and now we have to fund every damned private school that anyone can come up with.  Our public schools are suffering terribly as a result.

Anyway, I decided to cast a vote for the Conservatives this election in order to keep Wynn and Horwath from taking over but some idiots in the Conservative party chose Doug Ford to lead it.  Like my family in the States who were faced with having Trump lead their country, I was absolutely horrified to think of Ford leading my province.  There was no way I could vote for him.  So I didn't vote.

Can I and will I continue to complain about how politicians are running my province and my country?  Oh, yes!

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