Thursday, June 07, 2018


Very early on in life I began to look forward to having grandchildren.  I seemed to understand that they would be my second chance to do it right...I was just a teenager when Kim and Cindy were born and I know I made a tremendous amount of mistakes mothering them.

My first born grandchild was Nick who is 34 years old today.  I was ecstatic about him from the moment I found out Kim was pregnant and I've never changed my feelings since that day.  I adored him and I adore him still.  That goes for all of my grandchildren, though.  Nick, being the first, taught us the pleasures of being grandparents so, with each new addition, we knew what to expect.  So much love and so much fun watching them grow and learn.  All of this was easier with grandchildren because there wasn't the pressure of parenthood, just the ability to relax and enjoy them.  And send them home to their parents when they they got to be too much trouble!

Now I'm a greatgramma and love that role, too, but it's a little more tiring because I'm older.  What I enjoy about this is that I can see what a good parent Nick is to his children and I know he learned from his family.  We did a good job!  Most of the time we didn't know what the heck we were doing but we did it with love and that's what counts. 

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