Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Lisa and Anna

I'm 77 and 2 of my sweetest friends are Lisa and Anna...early 30's and early 40's.  We became friends many years ago when I lived right across the road from them and it's always pleased me that age has nothing to do with friendship.

We've remained friends since I moved in 2013, still getting together once or twice a year for dinner and Kim joins us now...Cindy sometimes.  Last night we met for our first dinner of the year and I'm hoping for more than one more!  We decided the next one will be a dessert supper (I've always wanted to do this because I'm usually too full after a meal to have dessert, too) and then we'll go to see Lisa's townhouse.  Lisa bought it a couple of years ago to be closer to work and we still haven't had the time to see it.

Dinner was fun as usual with lots of laughter, lots of catching up, and lots of love.  One of my fondest memories of these ladies is when Dennis was in his last days and I broke my foot.  Either Lisa or Anna, after working all day, would come over in the evening and massage a Chinese oil into my poor broken foot.  Now that was a kindness I'll never forget.

Anna lives with her parents who are close to my age and, in the Chinese tradition, will care for them until they pass on.  Lisa is deeply respectful of her parents and spends a lot of time with them but she felt the need to have a home of her own.  I hated to see her move away but it was a wise choice for her.

I've always loved being around people much older than me (getting harder and harder to find them each year) because they carry the wisdom of their years.  It's turned out to work the other way, too.  Being around younger people teaches me the way of today's world.  I love our dinners and always pleasant conversations!  

Friendships are one of the most valuable resources for a good life and should be cultivated and maintained for as long as possible.  I thoroughly enjoy friendships with people of any age because each is unique and each is worthwhile.  

Life is good!

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