Monday, June 04, 2018

Aeron's Shower

Aeron has been trying to downsize all festivities involving her wedding...don't know why because it's going to be a darned big wedding.  Her future mother-in-law, Carmen, gave her a shower yesterday and it was just lovely.  Kim, Cindy, Mary (Cindy's ex mother-in-law), and I went together and it was a day of love for our girl.  

Aeron was our first born granddaughter and I hope she always remembers how special she was and is to Dennis and me.  I'll never forget Dennis buying her an $80 doll on her first Christmas and her dragging it around by the hair.  Kyle rescued it and tucked it tenderly in it's little cradle.  Hmmm!  I know Aeron will be better with a real live baby!

Aeron is marrying into a big, loving family and I'm so happy for her.  When I saw how strong a family person Jake is, I was really pleased with her choice of a life mate. Family ties are very, very important!

Cindy will have a shower for her in August and Aeron will have no control over the guest list at all.  Her mother is tougher than Aeron!  Cindy and Don have been working like slaves getting their beautiful back yard even more beautiful, all in anticipation of this shower.  When I see how much love there is in my family, I know that Dennis and I taught them well and it will pay off for generations.

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