Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Poor Leaders

I was surprised to read how Shelley is so despondent over Trump's antics that she no longer considers the U.S. as her country.  It got me thinking about how I bitch all the time about Canada's leaders but never, ever has my dislike of our leadership caused me to want to give up my Canadian citizenship.  Canada holds a piece of my heart that no politician will ever take away.

Leaders do come and go...they die off if nothing else.  No leader is fully representative of the country as a whole and we have to understand not every citizen voted for them.  When I think of my country...Canada...I don't equate it in any way with the people we've chosen to run it.  Canada is an entity in it's own right and I happen to love it.  The leadership is another thing altogether.  The majority foolishly chose leaders I didn't like or want but nobody listens to me.

When the next elections roll around, many of us will vote for the wrong person again (some will always believe that) and the world will keep on turning.  We are fortunate that we do have elections and are not ruled by a dictator as in North Korea...Trump admires and praises that dictator by the way.  He was insulting him and calling him "rocket man" just a few short months ago.  These are politicians, Shelley, and they are only here for a little while before being replaced by someone better or worse.  Love of your country should over-rule your hatred of the leaders.  None rule for very long except in a dictatorship and we haven't gone that way yet.

Nope, love of country and the flag that flies over it is what is important and not the flesh and blood idiots that might hold power for just a short while.


Shelley said...

Sweet Momma - while Trump continues to disgust me, it’s not him that makes me feel this way, it’s the millions of his supporters that do. My affinity for the US was based on falling in love with the good people of this country. It wasn’t because of Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, W. , or Obama. Now my eyes are opened to the fact that so very many of those “good people” support a monster inspite of his monstrous actions. They disgust me nearly as much as he does. Love you!!

patsyrose said...

I understand because I feel much the same way. How can decent people support the monster that is Trump? There is no logical explanation for this. When I toured the Holocaust Museum in Tampa, it frightened me and sickened me to read how many "good" Germans were willing to close their eyes to what Hitler was doing...the concentration camps, the starvation and murder of innocent people who happened to be of the Jewish faith. Human beings chose to ignore the atrocities, whether they agreed with Hitler or were afraid for their own lives. We human beings are so terribly flawed, Shelley, and our only salvation is to not close our eyes to evil and to call it out when we see it. Every one of those "good" Americans will one day have to ask themselves why they sold out to the devil. They have their reasons, I'm sure. Love you forever, my darlin' girl!