Sunday, July 08, 2018

Nolan's Birthday

Nick and Bev had a 9th birthday party for Nolan yesterday (his birthday is on the 10th) and it was a pleasure as usual to be included.  I know I harp all the time on what a wonderful wife Bev is to Nick and how lucky he is to have found her but it's simply true.

Nolan and Nash are also super lucky to have her for a stepmother.  They call her "Bev" and she doesn't mind that but will accept whatever they might choose to call her.  I'm hoping one day they'll choose to call her "Mom"because she certainly fills that role well.

Nolan has been having temper tantrums at school and running outside.  This scares me so much because he has no idea what kind of predators troll the streets looking for victims.  I asked Nick if he'd put some fear into Nolan and he said he has but he doesn't want to terrify him.  I asked if it was okay for me to speak to him and stress the dangers and got the okay from Nick.  I wouldn't ruin his birthday but will speak to him later.

Running off is how Nolan deals with what he sees as unfairness but he really is putting himself in danger.  Kim feels he'll mature soon and handle his frustrations in a different manner and I believe that is true but that doesn't help now.

Apparently Nolan deals with stress the same way his GG does.  I run from it, too, but no-one is going to kidnap me.  He is such a perfectly beautiful little boy and it hurts to see him struggling.  I remember Matt as a little boy, always in trouble for some little thing but never having anger build up in him.  Funny how children are so different.  Childhood is not for the's a time of having no control over your surroundings or your life and that can frustrate anyone.  How you are able to deal with it is probably in your DNA...some fight and some flee.  Worse are the ones who just give up and give in.  I love Nolan's spirit but will be happy when he's matured a bit and can handle adversity a bit better.

But Nolan was one happy little boy at his party with friends and family making him feel special.  Every child needs that and he always gets his fair share of it.  He is a much loved child!  

Happy Birthday, my precious Nolan, my first greatgrandchild!

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