Saturday, July 07, 2018

Jury Duty

There are a lot of reasons people don't want to be chosen for jury duty.  One is the low pay...I think it's $9 per day.  Not many hourly workers can afford to be off their regular jobs for that kind of pay.

Kim has to attend a jury selection this week and she's the only full time employee in her office.  The powers that be wouldn't allow her to use that as an excuse to escape jury duty.  I told her to say she's read all about the crime in the news and has already made up her mind about the person's guilt or innocence and that should get her removed but I'm not sure.

I wouldn't want to serve on a jury.  Either I'd be bored or horrified and I don't know which would be worse.  I've spoken to police officers that say the public really doesn't want to know the details of the horrible crimes that occur every day and I believe that.  Just knowing that criminals have no conscience about committing crimes scares me.  Hearing how some teens will carry out a murder for a couple of bucks really is terrifying.  Again, it's the flaw in human beings that we've never been able to obliterate from our DNA that makes every one of us capable of the most heinous crimes.

No, I prefer to know about these crimes only on the surface.  I don't want details.  I wonder if there's an upper age limit for jurors? 

Update:  I checked about seniors being exempt but they're not, only if someone has a health issue.  I think I could be exempt because of how often I have to pee.  LOL!

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