Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Shooting in Toronto

A deranged man obtained a gun and shot up a neighborhood in Toronto, killing 2 innocent people and injuring many others.  At first I assumed it had been the middle of the night and outside one of the clubs but it wasn't.  It was a beautiful summer evening where people were enjoying the local restaurants or just out for a walk.

I, of course, mentioned on Facebook how I wish there were no guns on the street and one of my friends replied that, if all guns were banned, only the criminals would have them.  This is a constant theme from people who seem to want us all armed and wandering the streets waiting to be offended.  How scary!

I haven't heard where this mentally disturbed man got the gun but, if it came from his family's collection and wasn't secured properly, the family should be charged with contributing to the murders.  There is absolutely nothing anyone can do if he bought the gun on the street but, thankfully, there are not too many in Canada available that way.

Our gun laws are strict enough to limit the number of guns available to criminals or crazies but can be obtained if someone really wants one.  We can't control 100% but I would rather live in a society where you can be out in public and not worry that half the people around you are carrying guns.  That's how I feel when I'm in the States.  Heaven forbid you should accidentally cut off a gun toting motorist who is having a bad day!  We already see too much of individuals who can't control their tempers and have no shame when making a public spectacle of themselves.  I always hope they're not armed, too!

Nothing will bring back the lives of the 18 year old young woman and 8 year old little girl who was shot and killed but maybe whoever allowed the gunman access to a gun will have learned something.  Maybe that person has a conscience.  

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