Friday, July 20, 2018

Hot Topics

It's much better for your peace of mind if you avoid hot topics...usually politics, religion, and the awful people in your life.  Of course, those topics will come up once in a while because you consider them important but it's best not to let them take over your life.

I know only too well how I can get carried away by ugly events happening in the political world but just what can I do about them?  Nothing!  So I have to train myself to give them a smaller part in my consciousness so that I won't stress too much unnecessarily.

I've been very fortunate to not have many nasty people in my life.  I don't know how anyone can stand living next to neighbors that cause them misery every single day.  I'd move.

We Canadians really don't appreciate just how good we have it.  Our country is not war torn.  Our streets are fairly safe.  We have free health care for everyone.  The world (mostly) loves us.  I'm ever thankful that my ancestors chose to come to Canada to live and I would never want to live anywhere else on earth.  The worst part of living in Canada are the cold winters but most people take advantage of that time of the year for winter sports and activities.  I go south.

Anyway, today I'm going to ignore all the crap that's going on in the rest of the world and just bathe in the Canadian life I'm so lucky to live!

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