Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Post Colonoscopy

Both colonoscopy and endoscopy went okay except I have a twisted bowel about 3" from the end of it.  I was given an internal catscan (not pleasant but didn't hurt) and will find out later if I need that section of the colon removed surgically.  What did I say about them always finding something???

I'm not going to find fault with this, though, because a twisted colon can be very dangerous and even cause death.  I'm lucky I'm having no symptoms from it and that it was identified early.  If it needs to be removed, I'll have that done.

Poor Kim ended up taking almost the whole day off work to be with me.  We should have been done by noon but waiting for the CT (which I was very lucky to have done quickly in the afternoon) meant we didn't leave the hospital until about 3:30 P.M.  We'd been there since about 8:30 A.M.

I checked on the internet and discovered that a twisted colon can be caused by many things but one of them is by intensive coughing.  I had 2 severe colds this past spring where I coughed myself almost to death.  I wonder if that's what caused it for me?

Anyway, the dreaded endoscopy and colonoscopy were not so bad but the solution you have to drink the day before is pretty horrible.  Kim had told me to chew gum between each glass of solution and that helped a tiny bit.

Now to wait and see if I need surgery.

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