Saturday, September 08, 2018

Summer of Doctor Appointments

I am thankful that nothing much is wrong with me but this has been a terrible summer of one doctor appointment after another and 2 trips to the ER.  I had my appointment with the hematologist yesterday to have bloodwork done and to find out if my anemia is getting better.  Well, I'm no longer anemic and the rest of the bloodwork was even an improvement over the last one.  I have been freed from the hematologist!

Since all the tests I've had with various doctors seem to have been distributed among them, I asked if they possibly had the results of my colonoscopy and, much to my surprise, they did.  Our health system may not be perfect but it is very efficient an more areas than I'd thought.

I knew the endoscopy had been clear but still didn't know what the twisted bowel and small polyp meant so I asked.  Apparently the doctor who did the colonoscopy shouldn't have referred to the bowel as "twisted" because it has only a little kink that prevented a full scope.  The kink is not dangerous at all and doesn't require surgery to fix.  The polyp is so tiny (.5mm) that it, too, isn't a problem.  It might need another colonoscopy in the future just to check on it, though.

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better result from all these damned tests I've had over the summer and I really am grateful that I dodged another bullet.  I feel like a survivor!  I've had so many health scares these last few years that proved to be nothing and I'm wondering just how long my luck can last.  But today it's all good and I'm a happy lady who just might make it to Florida this winter after all!

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