Wednesday, September 12, 2018


I continue to be amazed and disappointed at how many Americans still support Trump after all the lies, inefficiency, infidelity, white supremacist sympathizing, and white house chaos.  They seem willing to put up with a monster for president as long as the economy appears to be thriving.  They choose to believe nothing negative about him and that is beyond understanding.

I think we're seeing how a dictator is born.  The people are fooled into trusting him because they choose to be blinded to his faults.  

I watched a video of North Korea's army parading mindlessly in nazi goose step in front of their dictator leader and was heartbroken to see how one fat little despot can control a whole country.  I see the same mindless support of Trump by his followers and I'm grateful that the U.S. is so large that enough of the people will keep him from becoming the dictator he so wants to be.

The past two years of his presidency have been both chaotic and ridiculous.  Whoever would have thought the great United States would have chosen a monster like Trump as their leader?  It's frightening.  

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