Sunday, October 07, 2018

Canadian Thanksgiving 2018

This day was spent with most of my family...Kim, Cindy, Don, Nick, Bev, Kyle, Matt, Kellie, Nolan and Nash but my thoughts were also with my family that couldn't be there.  Bev asked us all to say what we were thankful for and most, including me, were most thankful for our family.  I forget what Nolan was thankful for but Nash was thankful for Kyle.  I think they might be soul brothers!

I know I harp on the importance of family all the time but just think where we'd be without our loved ones (family and friends) to complete our lives.  It would be lonely and meaningless as far as I'm concerned.  Some people are loners and might be quite content that way but it isn't a natural way.  We were meant to form societal bonds.

I got another nice surprise when I finally checked my telephone messages just before going to bed...too late to call her back.  Anne, a very old friend called and I'll call her back later this morning.  We hadn't seen each other in many years until the memorial service last year for her husband.  I never understood how our close friendship over the years had just dwindled away but that does happen sometimes.  Anyway, I'll call her back and hopefully arrange to meet up with her.  The older I get the more I realize that we should cling fast to our good friendships because they are as important as the relationships we have with our family.

It's another cool, rainy, and cloudy fall day today but my ray of sunshine will be a reunion with Anne.

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